Chipset & Motherboard Support

As we mentioned earlier because of the new VRM and bus requirements the Tualatin-based Pentium IIIs require a new motherboard and also a new chipset as well.  In order to meet these needs, Intel has released a revision of the i815 chipset with support for the Tualatin core, known as the i815 B-Step.  The 815 B-Step is actually based off of the 815EP core in that it features no integrated video. 

VIA also has Tualatin support in a couple of their chipsets: the Apollo Pro 133T and the Pro 266T.  These chipsets are identical to the Pro 133A and Pro 266 except that they support the Tualatin based Pentium IIIs.

ASUS' Universal Motherboard (TUSL2-C) works with all Socket-370 processors


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The upcoming Celerons based on the modified Tualatin core will also require a motherboard based on one of these chipsets. 

The future of the Tualatin Overclocking & The Test
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