Conclusion & Thoughts

Coming into this review I likely have a lot less experience with the headset landscape out there than maybe other reviewers, however hopefully at least I was able to take on Sennheiser’s GSP670 from a different angle.

In terms of the design and build quality of the headphone, I think the GSP670 is very much a headset that warrants its higher end price tag. With premium materials and manufacturing, I was very little issues with the unit, and while nothing new for the GSP670, the more modern and typical “gaming” look of the headphones work out well. I wish Sennheiser would have somewhat improved on the microphone build quality as its aesthetics don’t match its functionality.

In terms of comfort, it’s a bit of a double-edged sword. The main issue I had is the headphone’s strong headband clamping force that was too strong even on the most lax setting. One benefit of this was that the headphones have incredible sound isolation, much more than any other closed headphones I’ve ever had – literally not hearing another person speaking right next to me if I have any playback on.

As this is marketed as gaming headset however, I do feel that long-term comfort is crucial, especially in hours long sessions. In this regard the strong headband clamp can be fatiguing. Also in regards to long-term comfort are the headphone’s ear-pads. They are relatively comfortable, however I wish Sennheiser would have gone bigger and thicker. The pad’s ear shape for me personally don’t do too much as their width was for me personally still a bit small at only 4cm – I prefer something bigger and I don’t mind them covering my lobes.


The pad material itself was good – the default hybrid design with pleather, velour and textile mesh works well. The pads are easily replaceable through Sennheiser’s clip off & on mechanism and replacement pads are very reasonably priced, although proprietary.

The actual physical design of the drivers seems to be excellent – by default they have a very good sound signature with deliberate emphasis on bass. They do have an extremely narrow soundstage and this seems to be caused by some dips in their frequency response, but it’s possible to equalize this out. Overall the physical aspects of the headphone speakers seems very good.

What is not good is the electrical aspect. Because these are wireless headsets, it means that the audio signal to drive them is generated inside the headphones. Sennheiser here relies on a Qualcomm/CSR CSR8670 audio SoC as well as their custom low-latency audio RF codec via the GSA70 dongle. The weaknesses here seems to be two-prone; the 16-bit DAC of the ASoC seems unable to properly cope with avoiding distortions as well as keeping the noise floor down, and there’s some funky remodulation going when using the GSA70 audio connection. Bluetooth also has some irregularities, but I found them not to be as audible.

One of the biggest issues is that the noise floor of the amplifier is just terrible – the 4.5KHz hiss is for me quite audible and annoying whenever there’s nothing playing back. The noise gating of the DAC is too slow to react and turn on, so it’s present in a ton of situations. It’s also a major component adding to the errors and distortions during playback.

The other issue is the distortion just isn’t acceptable for a 349 $/€ headphone. Even though overall the frequency response of the headphones are good, for me it was audible that there’s more distortion via the GSA70 connection than via Bluetooth, and overall just more than a regular wired headphone with a better DAC.

The benefit of the wireless headphones is that, well, they’re wireless. You can walk around with them and continue listening to your audio. However how useful this is for an actual gaming headphone is a bit unclear – PC players will be playing at their desk in front of their PC naturally. For console players, I guess there’s a market for that, but then again it’s not so much the enthusiast or the competitive gaming crowd anymore.

The wireless battery life of the headphones was good – I was able to get around two day’s usage with a full charge. One has to keep in mind that this is still quite a lot of battery charge cycles over a year if one uses it every day, and battery life will degrade over time, this is a consideration for a headset this expensive.

Finally, the microphone of the GSP670 is just odd. I don’t really understand why Sennheiser limited its frequency range to up to 7KHz when the sibling wired GSP600 go up to 15KHz. Beyond the doubtful physical design of the mic, this frequency range limitation just makes the audio sound bad and easily beaten by the cheapest add-on mics.

Overall, I think the GSP670 is a good headset with the largest weakness being simply the fact that it’s wireless. Sennheiser seemingly didn’t manage to get the hardware design of the latter part correctly and actually maintain the audio quality they’re known for. For a 349$/€ price tag I think buyers could simply just buy the wired GSP600's at 249 $/€, with the same physical design, invest the difference in a better DAC, and come out with an overall better experience.

Microphone Testing
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  • ZolaIII - Friday, July 5, 2019 - link

    I am glad you came on board. Unfortunately neither this headphones nor especially awful AMP/DAC or bad BT RF WiFi modules deserve any attention & can not be recommended. While premium quality materials do deserve high grade that's about it when it comes to those headphones. Drivers aren't anything special & better ones can be found on much cheaper alternatives. The pads look good and quality built while still offering comfort & preventin sweating to much but then again their property clipping mechanism is a big minus. Amp DAC is a rather laughable as even cheaper Chinese DAP's come with better ones. The sound judging by your impressions is also nothing special including separation & the sound stage. While bas look like relatively easy to iron the difference between channels is a spoiler, mids are tad pushed back which is also a spoiler but it can be easily equlised the highs are bad & hard to equlise. In practice this means being tied to the per channel full band EQ (30 bands parametric) which is hastle. All in all pretty much disappointing from such a famous brand. Keep up the good work, finding good headphones especially in value for money category is a very hard thing.
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Friday, July 5, 2019 - link

    Right, I forgot to share the EQ targets:

    Here are the impulse responses to be used for convolution, preferably via Equalizer APO.

    The C1 target keeps a bit more of the warmth and bass of the default of the headphones while the D1 is a more flat target with wider soundstage.
  • ZolaIII - Friday, July 5, 2019 - link

    Thanks for sharing.
  • igavus - Friday, July 5, 2019 - link

    This is an outstanding review. I really like how you followed up on the problems you found. I'm sure this will be of much interest to the team @ Sennheiser who developed & released this. I mean, they're probably not surprised, but I'm sure they didn't expect anyone to actually investigate the reasons for the poor performance. As usually audio review are just hand waving without much insight into what's wrong or concrete directions on how to improve.

    I just wish that they had engaged You or someone like you before releasing this dud to the public. Would have saved a lot of money and effort. As it stands, this headphone apart from the materials quality has nothing going for it. And the material quality is utterly wasted in this case.

    Excellent journalism, wish there was a "give this man a beer" button somewhere, you definitely deserve it ;]
  • mooninite - Friday, July 5, 2019 - link

    You have to be very careful about the Sennheiser products you look at. Some of them are very high quality stuff, while most of it seems to be generically engineered to be mass-produced with their label stuck on as a profit booster. Most of their low-level consumer fruit is nothing special yet it still costs hundreds of dollars while their professional grade products are sometimes a little cheaper.
  • Oliseo - Friday, July 5, 2019 - link

    Personally I find open backed headphones far superior for game playing. It actually provides an advantage in shooters as you can easily pinpoit directional sounds much more than a closed back set.

    Of course, this has the disadvantage of disturbing those around you.

    But, if you don't have that problem, then always go with open backed headphones, especially for gaming, as they simply deliver a far superior sound stage.
  • BenSkywalker - Friday, July 5, 2019 - link

    It's not just for gaming, closed headphones are just inferior in every way outside of isolating noise. Wireless are also flat out inferior, put them together and anything better than got garbage is actually noteworthy.
  • Byte - Friday, July 5, 2019 - link

    You just need to broaden your horizons. I recently was in Japan had had a chance to listen to a bunch of headphones from $200-$4000 and it was amazing. There is no inherently "better" technology. Just which fits your tastes. In that regard, wireless is just trash, and so are "gaming" headphones.
  • Sivar - Monday, July 15, 2019 - link

    Wireless is not necessarily trash. Sennheiser developed lossless wireless tech for their wireless HD650, though I doubt it is used in these gaming headphones.
    Lossy wireless isn't even necessarily bad. No human can reliably tell the difference between a properly encoded lossy audio file (AAC, Vorbis, etc.). True, headphones do not directly transmit such file formats, but in principle excellent fidelity is possible.
    Bluetooth in general is not great for audio quality, but with aptX it has at least the potential for good listening, though I have not heard any supporting devices myself.
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Friday, July 5, 2019 - link

    There's really nothing preventing closed headphones of having good imaging and wide sound stage.

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